ကၽြန္ေတာ္တုိ႕ Laptops And Notebooks အတြက္ Driver ေတြ လုိအပ္လာတဲ႕အခါ အလြယ္တကူးရွာေဖြးႏုိင္လုိ႕ ရေအာင္တင္ျပေပးလိုက္တာပါ။ ကၽြန္ေတာ္ကုိ ရွာေပးပါအုံး ကူညီပါအုံးေျပာလြန္လုိ႕ ကုိယ္တုိင္း ရွာေဖြးႏုိင္လုိ႕ ရေအာင္ ရႏုိင္သမွ်ေနရာေတြမွ အေကာင္းဆုံးလုိ႕ ယူဆရတဲ႕ ဆုိဒ္ေတြကုိ တင္ျပေပးလုိက္ပါတယ္။ အမ်ားအားျဖင္႕ေတာ႕ ျမန္မာ ႏုိင္ငံမွ အပါ႕ အျခားႏုိင္ငံေတြမွာ ကုိယ္႕ဆုိင္က ေရာင္းတဲ႕ စက္ေတြအတြက္ Driver ေတြကုိ တင္ျပထားေလ႕ရွိပါတယ္။ ဒါေပးမဲ႕ မျပည္႕စုံလုိ႕ လြယ္ကူစြာ ရွာေဖြႏုိင္ေအာင္ ေအာက္မွာ စုစည္းေပး လုိက္ပါတယ္။
Laptop Driver
A powerful website that contains all the laptop drivers of Acer, Apple, Asus, BenQ, Dell, Fujitsu, Gateway, HP, IBM, Intel, Lenovo, LG, MSI, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony and Toshiba. All the drivers are available free of cost.
Laptop Drivers
A Wordpress blog that contains drivers of LAN, Wi-fi, Bluetooth, Audio, Video, WLAN and more
It includes drivers of Acer, Advent, Asus, Compaq, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, IBM, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony VAIO and Toshiba.
Open Drivers
Open Drivers collect notebook driver for one-stop download, update and installation service. All notebook for Winbook, vpr Matrix, Uniwill, TTX, Toshiba, Sony, Samsung, Sager, Rugged, Panasonic, MSI, MGC, Mecer, MALIBAL, LG Electronics, Lenovo, IBM, Hypersonic, HP, Gateway, Fujitsu, Everex, Eurocom, DURABOOK, Dell, Clevo, CHEM USA, BENQ, Averatec, AVAMOS, ASUS, ASmobile, Apple, ALB, AJP, Acer, ABS have been listed in Open Drivers.
Again a Wordpress blog for Laptop drivers. It has a huge list of drivers in its database. You can also request a driver for free.
Notebook Driver Download
A place to download free notebook drivers of Asus, HP, Acer, Dell, Toshiba, LG, Sony Vaio. It even includes tutorials about laptop, Windows and other tech related stuff.
Laptops Notebooks Drivers
It claims to be the largest Laptop and Notebook Drivers database on Internet that provides laptop drives for free. It includes drivers of Acer, Apple, ASmobile, ASUS, BenQ, Dell, Fujitsu, Gateway, HP, IBM, Lenovo, LG, MSI, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony and Toshiba
Notebook Era
notepaderaIt contains all notebook drivers, notebook reviews of almost all the manufacturers. As a whole it contains 66158 drivers, and the quantity increases daily.
Notebooks Drivers
notebooks driversYou can download all drivers for free and can also scan for driver related errors. Has a huge list in its database.
They update their website daily and add latest drivers as they are released.
Laptops Notebooks Drivers
laptops-notebooks-driversThey update their driver list daily and contains all drivers for free.I have been using this website and I am quite satisfied with it. This is my first choice.
Give Me File
give me file logoWant any driver of any manufacturer, GiveMeFile is AIO solution for it. It contains laptop drivers of every manufacturer.
Lost My Drivers
lost my driverUpdated daily and contains 1091 drivers in its database.
အစ္ကိုေရ.. အစ္ကိုေပးတာေတြ နံ႕ေအာင္ရွာျပီးျပီ.. က်ေနာ့္စီးရီးအတြက္ မေတြ႔ဘူးဗ်ာ.. Sony Vaio VGN-CS62JB Window Vista Wireless adapter driver လိုခ်င္ေနတာ.. ရွာတာ ေခါင္းကိုမူးေနျပီ.. အစ္ကိုေတြ႔ခဲ့ရင္ ေ၀မွ်ေပးပါ... း).. ေက်းဇူးပါ..
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